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Gun Control

 The national firearms act of 1938 requires gun dealers to be licensed. 



 the Gun Control Act of 1968 prevents the sale of firearms to drug dealers, felons, and people with mental illnesses. 


On April 20, 1999 13 people were killed by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at Columbine High School in Colorado. Now schools nationwide adapt to "zero tolerance policy" regarding violence. 


On April 16, 2007 32 people were killed at Virginia Tech University by a mentally ill senior student.

On December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut 27 people , including 20 children under the age of 9, are killed by gunman Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary School.



In early 2013, Connecticut State

Government passes new legislation that requires background checks for all private gun owners.

Connecticut gives a budget of $15 million to public schools in the state to help improve security 



Since all of these events took place Connecticut is now the states with the strictest gun control laws.

There were among the 17 people killed by a gunman Wednesday February 14, 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.



On April 4th Police Fatally Shoot a Brooklyn Man, Saying They Thought He Had a Gun


Sunday October 1st, Vegas Concert shooting. Man shoots a concert from the Mandala Bay hotel, kills 58 people. 

Cause & Effect 

1938- Causing the firearms to be license  with guns was caused because to many guns were getting bought, and being used. The effects after did not  do much, it made people not buy guns, but people who purchased them before was still a threat. 

1968 -  the Gun Control Act of 1968 prevents the sale of firearms to drug dealers, felons, and people with mental illnesses because It primarily focuses on regulating interstate commerce in firearms by generally prohibiting interstate firearms transfers except among licensed manufacturers, dealers and importers. The effects after this helped a lot because the next big gun control shooting didn't happen till 1999. 

1999- 13 people were killed by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at Columbine High School in Colorado; students from columbine , this was caused because of bullying, and wanting to get back at kids at the school. After this event the boys committed suicide but then next school shooting didn't happen till 2007. 

2007- April 16, 32 people were killed at Virginia Tech University, this was caused because of a mentally ill senior from the school.  After this event there has still not been any college shooting recorded.

2012  December 14, in Newtown, Connecticut 27 people , including 20 children under the age of 9, are killed by gunman Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary School. This was caused because of the man who shot up the school, for reasons as mental issues and suicide reasons. After this school shooting, in Connecticut they make gun laws super strict to prevent more shootings. 

2013- Connecticut State

Government passes new legislation that requires background checks for all private gun owners because of all of the school shootings, and ownings of guns all around america, for unknown reasons for the purchases of some many guns. The cause after this was more and more watchings on guns. 

2013- Connecticut gives a budget of $15 million to public schools in the state to help improve security, this was caused because of all previous shootings, and more security to help prevent shootings. The effects after this hapend had a big impact because still to this day Connecticut is one of the strict gun laws in the US.

2017- Since all of these events took place Connecticut is now the states with the strictest gun control laws because of one of the worst shooting all around America. After this effect it helped with Connecticut issues but did not help US problems. 

2017- October 1st, Vegas Concert shooting. Shooting  a concert from the Mandala Bay hotel, kills 58 people. This was caused by a  man and committed suicide after the crime. This effected all of Vegas reputations, and another one of the biggest shootings. 

2018- There were among the 17 people killed by a gunman Wednesday February 14, 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. This was caused by a man, for unsure reasons 0f why he did it.  After this it effected so many schools, and lives around the US, now school shooting ratings, and this effected school walk outs, and protests abount gun control.

2018- April 4th Police Fatally Shoot a Brooklyn Man, this was caused because the police thought the man had a gun, and shot him to his death.  This effected so many families especially the boys, and made them very angry, and wanted to press charges towards the police for their actions, and make a difference to all families and policy departments around the US.



Right now gun control is one of the most top picked topics to talked about all over the US. So many school shootings, and other shootings recently have caused everyone to protest, and try to stop gun control. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook,etc is where a lot of he social aspects happen. Once someone has a video or any info with something involving guns, or anything its all over the web. 

Right now gun control is one of the most top picked topics to talked about all over the US. So many school shootings, and other shootings recently have caused everyone to protest, and try to stop gun control. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook,etc is where a lot of he social aspects happen. Once someone has a video or any info with something involving guns, or anything its all over the web. Once its on the web more and more people see it, most people save it and share it from there. For socially with gun control its the most talked about right now in 2018 because of all of the most recent shootings. Plus with all of the new techonology and social media connections its made Gun Control all together a major deal. 

Economic -

 The Economic part of the gun control is all of the people who are against or for gun control. By this the protests are 2 sided, or some people don't even know how they feel. Most democrats are against gun control, and most republicans are for gun control, just proved by how many people protested, and who did not. By having Trump as our president and him being a republican feeds off of all of the world. The people who support trump, and voted for trump at least half of them are for no gun control.  All of the protests and things that have been happening and the president have not done anything about it because he believes in no gun control. By having these economic groups it has caused protests, and many problems in the US. 

Global -

 From the global part of gun control just from the time span of 1938- 2018 so many events have happened  that have effected the whole world. More back around to 1930s to the 1960s  that is when it was more of the down low on gun control, and it was more of the laws and licenses of guns. As soon as the columbine shooting the rates of guns being purchased in the US and used went up by fast amounts. The US is one of the highest gun control, and most comimtted crimes ll around the world. Nothing compared to Iraq and some bad parts in other countries. But for school shootings, and other caused shootings overall the worlds purchases of guns, and them being used has gone up a big amount. 



Due to all of the gun control rights, for many years since guns have been around, we have lost many lives. We have also lost a lot of world round trust, for this reason for all of the most common  shootings have caused protests, and many riots to all of the gun control laws. So many people disagree on the rights and everyone has lost trust in many countries and all of the gun control violations.                             

Due to all of the gun control rights we have gained a lot of more protection and security. In schools now there are many security guards, and people who look out for all of the schools nation wide. We have also just gained a lot of security for many business, and many jobs, mostly at the white house due to past shootings. For people who are for no gun control they have still gained no laws on the gun control, only the laws before all of the major drama started to happen. After the Columbine shooting happened thats when the talk of gun control went down hill. 

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