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How is Power Obtained Speech 

In our eyes we believe power is obtained and controlled by the upper class people. We believe this because they are able to influence what we see and think. The government is an example of power because they control our laws, money, and who we look up to. If we didn't have the government we would not have a military and we would not have an economic system. If countries didn’t have a government, or militaries, the world would be falling apart, and nothing would be as it is today. Nothing would be controlled, and no laws would be enforced, so anything could happen and it would not matter.  

Another example of power is money. People who have money are able to influence our opinions and thoughts on the way things work. Famous celebrities have the power to change our judgement on brands, and products. People look so highly of celebrities that they will do, or buy anything that they have.

Owners of businesses have power over all of their employees because they control everything they do, how much they pay their employees, and the amount of profit they make. Owners are higher than their employees because of the spot that they worked for. Money has power over a lot of people, and how the world is set up, there is homeless people, wealthy people, and middle class people. Some people make mounds of money, but others have to sleep on the streets. Some jobs don't pay enough money, and people end up getting in tight situations.

Leaders of our country can control everything that goes on in the US from pay, to how many jobs there are, and salaries for employees. The reason that leaders have the most power is because they earned the biggest spot that they could possibly get. The highest possible spot for a leader would be the president of the United States or the king or queen of England because they hold so much power and with that power they can control what the people do in their country. They are given the job to control their countries and make rules and laws for their country the way they want it, and they run it the way they want, and anyone who has nothing to do with the government has, no say in how it should be. Most citizens have the power to vote to change the outcome, but they do not have all the power.

In conclusion, we believe power can be defined as richer people and higher societies that  influence people's decisions.

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